Random Year Generator

This code generates a random year within a specified range of 1900 to 2023. The generated year is displayed in bold and red text on the page, and a “Generate Random Year” button allows users to create a new random year on demand.

How To Use This Random Year Generator

  1. Generate a Year:
    • Look for the “Generate” button on the webpage.
    • Click the “Generate” button once.
  2. View the Result:
    • Wait for a moment.
    • A randomly chosen year between 1900 and 2023 will appear on the page in bold and red text, labeled as “Random Year: [year].”
  3. Regenerate (Optional):
    • To see a different random year, click the “Generate” button again.
    • Each click triggers a new random year within the given range.
  4. Usage Suggestions:
    • Utilize this generator for trivia, educational games, or entertainment purposes.

That’s it! Enjoy discovering different random years by clicking the “Generate” button on the webpage.